Hello, I'm Anca Ivu, mother and wife, coach and soon to be psychologist and psychotherapist, a woman passionate about personal transformation and evolution, concerned with self-knowledge and self-discovery.
A few years ago I thought that a good life was strictly a matter of luck and I was one of the lucky ones. Then, some very difficult lessons broke the "bubble" I was living in and that gave me the opportunity to ask myself if I had not, in fact, been living a life lacking in authenticity and commitment.
Since then, I believe that any unpleasant situation can be turned into a gift or opportunity. The only key element is the mindset and the ability to start seeing things this way.
Therefore, personal experience and, later, the courses I followed (NLP Practitioner and NLP Master, certified by the International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mind Learners Coaching School, Positive Intelligence Coaching Certification), turned the questions into answers and blockages in challenges. I am very passionate about approaches related to psychological flexibility, the power of (self)-compassion and the liberation process that limits can bring in our lives.
So, I continue to discover new amazing perspectives and I am convinced that people are richer than they know, that they can have more than a succession of days full of duties, respectively a life lived easily, in harmony with themselves and those around them.
You can reach me at: ghicu_anca@yahoo.com
Buna! Sunt Anca Ivu, mama si sotie, coach si viitor psiholog si psihoterapeut. Sunt un om pasionat de domeniul transformarii si evolutiei personale, preocupat de autocunoasterea si descoperirea de sine.
Acum cativa ani credeam ca o viata buna este o chestiune strict de noroc si eu eram una din norocoase. Apoi cateva lectii foarte dificile au spart “bula” in care traiam si mi-au oferit oportunitatea de a ma intreba daca nu cumva traisem, de fapt, o viata lipsita de autenticitate si de asumare.
De atunci cred ca orice situatie neplacuta poate fi transformata in dar sau oportunitate. Singurul element -cheie e mindsetul si abilitatea de a putea incepe sa vedem lucrurile astfel.
Asadar, experienta personala si, mai tarziu, cursurile pe care le-am urmat (NLP Practitioner and NLP Master, certificat de International Association for Neuro-Lingvistic Programming, Scoala de coaching Mind Learners, Certificarea in Inteligenta Pozitiva), au transformat intrebarile in raspunsuri si blocajele in provocari.
Ma pasioneaza mult abordarile ce tin de flexibilitatea psihologica, puterea (auto)-compasiunii si procesul de eliberare ce vine in urma instituirii limitelor, in vietile noastre.
Astfel, continui sa descopar noi perspective uimitoare si am convingerea ca oamenii sunt mai bogati decat stiu ei, ca pot avea mai mult decat o succesiune de zile pline de indatoriri, respectiv o viata traita usor, in armonie cu ei insisi si cu cei din jurul lor.